Creative Impulse: Readings - The Outsider Art Fair

     In this interesting article Jerry Saltz talks about how it's unfair to exclude outside artists from today's museums and not consider them real artist because they're "so-called "outsider," "self-taught," and "visionary". He goes on to name a few artist that have made incredible work, better work that should be in museums like the MoMA. This article fights for the for the museums and other to kill the term "outsider" and to let everyone's work be shown.

     I strongly agree with this article, I believe everyone deserves a chance for their work to be shown. Regardless if they were taught in a school setting or just learned by themselves. Us artist just have to continue this fight and stand our ground until they give in. It's crazy to see this in the art world just because some artist haven't had "preapproved training". All artist should be given a chance or at least be considered to be put in shows and museums. 
