Creative Impulse: Readings - The White Bird

     In the article John Berger talks about a man-made bird, that is mysterious in a sense because it is not known how it's truly made. but still, has a sense of natural beauty because of its simplicity. worked with a kind of love that makes it become more than just a bird. a white bird which now provoke an aesthetic emotion. he goes into further detail comparing it to outside nature and art.

     After doing some research and finding the bird, it makes you respect the craftsmanship it takes to make something like this. I see how this could be compared to the beauty of nature and art. also when talking about nature and art he states "Art does not imitate nature, it imitates a creation" which I feel that was perfectly said because I feel that nature is all around us, it's everywhere. so its nature that we see around us that gives us our inspiration to actually create. you can't help but agree with his word about art at the end 
