Assignment 1: Image Analysis, Deconstruction and Reconstruction

     The picture I chose is a add by Ralph Lauren that's advertising a lady's fragrance. This picture has design elements of line because the 2 people are hanging diagonally from the swing. Colors from black, gray, white, I would say more cool colors then warm because there's no real variation of color is the photo. Value, there's defiantly lightness & darkness. Lightness from the sky in the background & darkness that happens from the clouds & trees from the top of the page & bottom. I would say there's texture from the hair they way it's being blown in the wind & from the rope the way it's tied & how some parts are thinker then some parts. Space, this is in the distance between the 2 people in the foreground & the trees & sky in the back. I would say there are some patterns from the rope & the nots. The leaves at the top the way they're going in a downward fashion. Contrast from the viewpoint on the trees at the bottom how it fades from the back & darkens at the front. Some emphasis on her dress the way it's long & flows off the swing that they're on. 

     In this add there's suppose to be romance because the way the man is leaning in & trying to kiss the girl & how he's holding her close to him. There's a form of elegance from the dress that the girl is wearing, the shine & the way it's just dancing in the wind. It doesn't read romantic to me because of the girl face, she doesn't look to willing or eager to kiss him. The location as well seem off because they're so high up it seems, the look like if they fell they could break some bones. 

     There's a diagonal with the people across the page with the balloons. Shape it's 2D cause it's all flat, nothing is popping up in the 3rd dimension. There's value in the clouds that go from dark to light. There's texture from the ropes holding the balloons. There's space that come from the clouds  that are behind the people. There's pattern from the balloons in the way they're layered on top of each other & going upward. There's emphasis on the people & the balloons they're in the foreground & the clouds & the city below them are behind them. Harmony in the whole image that takes the viewer eyes from the top of the balloons to the bottom corner or the bottom corner to the top. There's movement cause of the diagonal shape that's going across the page. I believe there's unity in the piece cause it takes the eye across the page. 
     For this reconstruction I wanted to make a book cover for "tinder romance" a love story. I created 2 characters in "Ralph" & "Lauren". Tinder, a dating app these 2 founds each other on made them find true love & it's feels as if they're floating in the air off of love that the balloons are taking they're loves to new heights. The clouds are to show that they're high up passing the clouds due to the balloons. I tried to show the distance with the city below them in the corner. 
