
Showing posts from October, 2016

Small Works: The Street


Museum Visits: The Discipline of Nature: Architect Alfred Browning Parker in Florida

     By far this was my favorite museum that I've been to so far. This one was really great in my eyes. Everything Alfred Browning basically grew on paper he built, it's like magic. All his blueprints and ideas turned into building or structure. He was very prominent here in Miami and has built some of the building that are here today. Even after he stopped his architecture business, he still kept busy with making drawing and sculptures.      To add on to this the photographer he used for most of his projects Ezra Stoller was amazing! I hadn't heard of him before seeing this, but his photographs really amazed me. I searched him up while I was in the museum and his work just A1 for me at least. It made me want to go out and start shooting immediately!


Walking down this road, will it ever end? Positivity & happiness doesn't help,  will this madness ever end?  How much more can I take? I'm pushing forward to the end, but it doesn't feel that I'm doing enough.  I'm trying to make it for everyone, but will they even care if I make at this point?  This road is bumpy, but I won't let it break me.  I won't give up on this fight, gotta stay strong Can't let everyone down, but how much fight do I have in me left?  I see the end, one more push! I  know I can make it I gotta make it, I will make it.  Nothing can stand in my way, all this doubt isn't me! Shake off all this negativity & fear I made it, but there's still so much to go still

Landscapes: Research of Images

Buckminster Fuller--When was he working?  He started working in 1945  but received international  recognition in 1950. Ha-has (recessed walls)--where do you find these?  These are found in England or France Parco del Mostri--Where, when, what's your favorite image?  Park of the Monsters  or  also named  Garden of Bomarzo , is located in  Bomarzo , in the  province of Viterbo , in northern  Lazio ,  Italy . It is the work of  Pier Francesco Orsini , called  Vicino  (1523–1585) Roman Forum--What function did it have? Where, when, what's your favorite image? at the center of the city of  Rome. The Roman Forum over history has had 3 arches. The first by Augustus in  29 BC  which is not visible today, the second the Arch of Titus built in  81 AD  and third the Arch of Septimius Severus which was built in  203 AD . I will see this in person one day! I've always wanted to go to Rome since I was little. Boboli Garden--Where, when, what's your favori

Readings: Green Dreams: Gardens

     For starters, this was kind of a difficult read. Just for the fact that there was so much information to take in it kind of felt never ending to me. But in all, it was a good read. Robert Harbison talks about gardens from around the world and how he sees them in his eyes in full detail. It's almost like he's painting the picture for your mind to see these gardens with his words. Just like painting, he says we should read into gardens, be close up to them and study them. He also tells us we should go out and experience them for ourselves.      With reading this I must agree with Robert Harbison. Sometimes we tend to take nature and gardens for granted. I feel that nature and gardens are indeed beautiful and we should go out more and experience them a lot more, while we still can. Soon enough we either won't have them at all or they'll be so fake that we won't be able to get the real feeling of a real garden again.

In-Depth:Rhinoceros - Metamorphosis

My object was a basketball. So for the metamorphosis, I made "Basketball Ball Baskets". I used a basketball because I use to play basketball in my high school days and not once did I ever think to cut open one for any reason, so thanks to this project I got to see the inside of a basketball (nothing special). 

Outside Visits: Blast Allegories & Titus Kaphar

I really enjoyed the works from these 2 galleries, the blasted allegories were all photographs from artist that I know and only seen in books. So to see them in person was amazing for me. works from Cartier Bresson, Gary Winogrand and Brassaï. It was clear how these photos related to the small works as well. It was like the photos had like a double meaning but didn't need any words for you see it. For Titus Kaphar I thought it was brilliant how he made his pieces all have two sides to the works. For me these 2 galleries were great, concept wise and presentation it was all great.

Small Works: Rhinoceros - Portrait & Propaganda


Small Works: Rhinoceros - Creature & Other


In-Depth: Pattern and Ornament

This was a challenge for me, I had the idea in my head but it didn't come out like I thought it would. My shapes, to begin with were all pretty flat so to try to make the silhouettes 3D was difficult for me. Although I am proud that I made this, just not proud of the final product. 

Small Works: Pattern and Ornament

For the triangle, I used a pyramid form with my symbols. The symbols meaning are the "rise to fame" will you die trying to make it (skull like face side) or will you make to the top and be a household name? (diamond shape side) For the square, I wanted to do a rectangle like a collum. I have these shapes in my sketchbook but less defined. They have to do with New York. This one was for the circle, I used a styrofoam ball and styrofoam cutter to engrave in, The symbols used in this are for my mom (yes I'm a mama boy). 

Readings: Rhinoceros

    This article is about the rhinoceros, it was a new animal to everyone that no one has seen so it became a big buzz around town in eroup. Everyone began to sketch and draw this thing they've never seen, Durer and others made woodcut, but Durer was most impressive to everyone because he caught the chsracter of the animal remarkably well, even if he misinterpreted some of the anatomical detail.     I feel this all about what we did in class when we had to come up with details of an animal and you guys had to make something from just our details. It's all about communication, how someone can be discriptive as possible for someone can make their own interpentaion of it.

Readings: A People's Art History Of The United States

     This article was interesting because it talks about 2 photographers, one that basically faked his pictures with Native Americans and one that really lived in the culture and gave the realness of the crow tribe. I don't believe Edward Curtis did it for the culture but only for money. He just really staged all his pictures to show what he wanted to viewer to see. Where Richard Throssel was really taking pictures of his tribe and was trying to show everyone what was going on and happening within.      I understand Curtis and his business mindset, where he basically faked it till he made it. But then I just think of him as a culture vulture because he was photographing Native Americans for over 30 years but I'm sure he didn't really care for them or understand them. He was just there to get good photographs for a great payday. Even more so he stole one of Throssel picture to sell it as one of his. Furthermore,  I believe what Throssel did for his tribe, trying to show awa