Museum Visits: The Discipline of Nature: Architect Alfred Browning Parker in Florida

     By far this was my favorite museum that I've been to so far. This one was really great in my eyes. Everything Alfred Browning basically grew on paper he built, it's like magic. All his blueprints and ideas turned into building or structure. He was very prominent here in Miami and has built some of the building that are here today. Even after he stopped his architecture business, he still kept busy with making drawing and sculptures.
     To add on to this the photographer he used for most of his projects Ezra Stoller was amazing! I hadn't heard of him before seeing this, but his photographs really amazed me. I searched him up while I was in the museum and his work just A1 for me at least. It made me want to go out and start shooting immediately!


  1. Wonderful reaction Oscar, I'm so happy you were engaged by the work. Please write a bit more: what exactly did you find so amazing about Stoller's work?


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