Landscapes: Research of Images

  • Buckminster Fuller--When was he working? 
  • He started working in 1945 but received international recognition in 1950.
  • Image result for buckminster fuller architecture

  • Ha-has (recessed walls)--where do you find these? 
  • These are found in England or France
  • Image result for Ha-ha wall

  • Parco del Mostri--Where, when, what's your favorite image? 
  • Park of the Monsters or also named Garden of Bomarzo, is located in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, in northern LazioItaly.
  • It is the work of Pier Francesco Orsini, called Vicino (1523–1585)
  • Image result for Parco dei Mostri

  • Roman Forum--What function did it have? Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • at the center of the city of Rome.
  • The Roman Forum over history has had 3 arches. The first by Augustus in 29 BC which is not visible today, the second the Arch of Titus built in 81 AD and third the Arch of Septimius Severus which was built in 203 AD.
  • I will see this in person one day! I've always wanted to go to Rome since I was little.
  • Image result for Roman Forum

  • Boboli Garden--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • park in FlorenceItaly
  • The creation and development is about four hundred years, from the 15th and 19th centuries.
  • Really beautiful landscape and sculptures
  • Image result for Boboli Garden

  • Jardin du Luxembourg--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. 
  • was created in 1612 by Marie de' Medici.
  • I love this one also, it could be the colors in the picture but this one would be great to visit.
  • Image result for Jardin du Luxembourg

  • Tivoli Garden (Italy)--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • (Villa d'Este) a 16th-century villa in Tivoli, near Rome
  • It was commissioned by Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este, in 1550 the governor of Tivoli.
  • Image result for Tivoli Garden (Italy)

  • Bernini's Four Rivers--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • fountain in the Piazza Navona in Rome
  • It was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for Pope Innocent X. The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi was unveiled to the people of Rome on 12 June 1651
  • On my bucket list of places to see!
  • Image result for Bernini's Four Rivers

  • Jean Dubuffet's Jardin d'Emaille--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • Made in 1974
  • It is located in the garden of the Kröller-Müller Museum in the National Park De Hoge Veluwe in the vicinity of Otterlo the Netherlands.
  • This one doesn't do much for me. I don't know if I'd be excited to see this one
  • Image result for Jean Dubuffet Jardin d'Émail

  • Stowe Garden--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • located in StoweBuckinghamshire, England
  • Made in the 1750s
  • Image result for Stowe Garden

  • Stourhead Garden--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • the River Stour near Mere, Wiltshire, England
  • The Temple of Flora at Stourhead was made in 1745 and the grotto in 1748. But the key date was 1754, when the lake and the Pantheon were made.
  • Image result for Stourhead Garden

  • Washington DC parks
  • park located in the Washington, D.C neighborhood of Columbia Heights; it's also near by the  neighborhood of Adams Morgan
  • The park was designed and built between 1912 and 1940.
  • I'm suppose to go to Washinton D.C. this summer with my family, maybe I'll go see this!

  • Vizcaya Museum--Why is this in Miami?  What is it named after? Who is responsible for it being built?  Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • Coconut Grove, Miami, 1914, 
  • Commissioned by James Deering 
  • designed by Paul Chalfin, named after Spain province, “Biscay”, Stone barge.
  • I pass by this every day going to school, I need to go check this place out.
  • Image result for Vizcaya Museum

  • Fairchild Tropical Garden--Why is this in Miami?  Who is it named after?  Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • Coral Gables, Miami, 
  • 1936
  • Created by Robert Montgomery to pursue his dream of creating a botanical garden in Miami.
  • Named after a good friend and great plant explorer. Dr. Fairchild, Water Lily.
  • Image result for Fairchild Tropical Garden
