Outside Visits: Miami Made Book Fair Nov. 20

     The first panel was with Tom Hart, Emil Ferris, and Meags Fitzgerald. They all each went into great detail of their books and each of their own process. This panel helped me a little with my zine ideas because for each of them and their books they were telling a personal story of themselves. Meags Fitzgerald said she made sure she made sure she knew every little detail of her story and that she didn't want to leave anything out. Where Emil Ferris used fictional charters for her book but used her life stories for them. Tom Hart heart book was about his 2-year-old daughter that passed away, so he pretty much stayed true to his story and didn't make anything up for his story. 

     This was Keith Knight and he was amazing. His comics are based on for the most part racism in america, but his uses his work in a humorous fashion. This gave me another idea for my zine. He talk about that even though he's talking about serious issues, humor makes an awkward conversation easy to talk about. though his comics are humorous they are powerful. he showed slides of his work and talked about how he uses current events of police brutally and injustice to blacks going on in the world today. Also it really opened my eyes to see how well researched he was and was able to back up every statement he made with facts. His lecture was really powerful.
