
Showing posts from 2016

Stay (+) Kit

Songs on the CD, for anyone that wants to know!

Container and Context

My zine will be like a book and will wrapped in an envelope (5.75 in x 8.75 in) as if it was a bill. My zine will be about stress and stress about bills. My box will be a stress relieving kit, that will have items that will take stress away and motivate one to keep fighting on. I will be using this as my box, the sticker on it will be replaced with one that I created myself (shown below).  The box has two clasp that the viewer will open to view whats inside the box. Once opened a 5 x 7 card will be attached on the bottom of the lid giving a brief description of what the kit has to offer.  The kit will include a CD with 6 songs used to motivate. Stay (+) Mixtape Next I will be making a heart shaped coin pouch with a zipper. I will be using red pleather and will be using a sewing machine to make the heart and attached the zipper. I will also be making emergency motivational quote cards (3 per box) and those will be sealed in a package so the vi

Outside Visits: Miami Made Book Fair Nov. 20

     The first panel was with Tom Hart,  E mil Ferris, and Meags  Fitzgerald.   They all each went into great detail of their books and each of their own process. This panel helped me a little with my zine ideas because for each of them and their books they were telling a personal story of themselves. Meags Fitzgerald said she made sure she made sure she knew every little detail of her story and that she didn't want to leave anything out. Where Emil Ferris used fictional charters for her book but used her life stories for them. Tom Hart heart book was about his 2-year-old daughter that passed away, so he pretty much stayed true to his story and didn't make anything up for his story.       This was Keith Knight and he was amazing. His comics  are based  on for the most part racism in america, but his uses his work in a humorous fashion. This gave me another idea for my zine. He talk about that even though he's talking about serious issues, humor makes an awkward conv

Small Works: 2


Small Works: 1


In-Depth Projects: Landscape - Zirma


Small Works: The Garden


Small Works: The Street


Museum Visits: The Discipline of Nature: Architect Alfred Browning Parker in Florida

     By far this was my favorite museum that I've been to so far. This one was really great in my eyes. Everything Alfred Browning basically grew on paper he built, it's like magic. All his blueprints and ideas turned into building or structure. He was very prominent here in Miami and has built some of the building that are here today. Even after he stopped his architecture business, he still kept busy with making drawing and sculptures.      To add on to this the photographer he used for most of his projects Ezra Stoller was amazing! I hadn't heard of him before seeing this, but his photographs really amazed me. I searched him up while I was in the museum and his work just A1 for me at least. It made me want to go out and start shooting immediately!


Walking down this road, will it ever end? Positivity & happiness doesn't help,  will this madness ever end?  How much more can I take? I'm pushing forward to the end, but it doesn't feel that I'm doing enough.  I'm trying to make it for everyone, but will they even care if I make at this point?  This road is bumpy, but I won't let it break me.  I won't give up on this fight, gotta stay strong Can't let everyone down, but how much fight do I have in me left?  I see the end, one more push! I  know I can make it I gotta make it, I will make it.  Nothing can stand in my way, all this doubt isn't me! Shake off all this negativity & fear I made it, but there's still so much to go still

Landscapes: Research of Images

Buckminster Fuller--When was he working?  He started working in 1945  but received international  recognition in 1950. Ha-has (recessed walls)--where do you find these?  These are found in England or France Parco del Mostri--Where, when, what's your favorite image?  Park of the Monsters  or  also named  Garden of Bomarzo , is located in  Bomarzo , in the  province of Viterbo , in northern  Lazio ,  Italy . It is the work of  Pier Francesco Orsini , called  Vicino  (1523–1585) Roman Forum--What function did it have? Where, when, what's your favorite image? at the center of the city of  Rome. The Roman Forum over history has had 3 arches. The first by Augustus in  29 BC  which is not visible today, the second the Arch of Titus built in  81 AD  and third the Arch of Septimius Severus which was built in  203 AD . I will see this in person one day! I've always wanted to go to Rome since I was little. Boboli Garden--Where, when, what's your favori